Friday, April 20, 2007

How to Ride the Subway

#1. Relax. New isn't always bad. This can be fun.

#2. When you're on your way back home, at the last stop before yours; and a voice comes over the loudspeaker on the train to tell you to get off, and that there will be a bus to take you the rest of the way to your destination, don't you believe it.

#3. When you're all lined up waiting for the bus, and a fellow passenger tells you all that she just called MTA on her cell phone and there is no bus, that you all need to go back into the station for the next train, believe her...especially if you look back and see that a train has just gone by in the direction of your destination.

#4. Don't take advice from someone who's only ridden the subway once (that's me).

#5. Do keep track of your ticket. Can you believe you need it to get OUT of the station? I couldn't either. Neither could my purse - which had swallowed the ticket.

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