Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Life Out of Balance or "Are You Organized?"

First of all, I'm sorry I stopped writing (three whole days). Well, I didn't actually stop writing. I only stopped writing here. I haven't ever stopped writing for nearly fifty years; it's just a matter of what I write: letters, emails, lists, possible books, potential articles, and of course, my blog. That's right; I said "blog". See, I'm so behind and so ashamed, I'm trying to pretend I don't have four blogs, three of which I've largely ignored for at least a month.

Sometimes in life, it's hard to keep everything in balance...even if for you that balance doesn't always include writing, on a daily and sometimes hourly basis. At one time, we're lonely and bored. At another time, we have too much to do and think about, and are overwhelmed. Even though some of what makes "too much to do and think about" are wonderful activities and people, it sometimes means we take time away from something else or try to "do it all". Have you ever noticed how the pendulum swings? You know what's neat about asking questions on a blog? Some of you might actually answer.

Someone reading this might get the idea I'm disorganized, and then get the idea to try to help me get organized. You might not know that I already know most of the organizational systems and techniques that are currently known to man (that's mankind, as in women, men and children). Remember, one of the things I write are lists, and one of the things I do is plan. One of the things I do, too, is live too much in the future (and occasionally too much in the past).

If you want to get organized, if you want to do what I've learned, not what I do (does that sound like a good parent?), you can try the following for starters:

Website (free): Flylady

Book: Seven Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey

If you'd like to share tips with our readers for getting organized, you are most welcome! Just realize that this reader is pretty hopeless. But hey, I'm always open to new ideas. It gives me something to think about.

P.S. If you happen to be an editor, please know that I do meet life's deadlines!


EC Gefroh said...

I don't get the impression you are unorganized at all! I really should give that FlyLady another try. I am a pretty organized person. I make mental notes to myself what I have to accomplish that particular day and I stick to it.

Simple Faith and Life said...

Wow, Esther, I'm impressed that you can make mental notes of what to accomplish and stick to it. The way my mind works, it doesn't get written, it probably doesn't get done. I keep a spiral notebook and use half a sheet per day for my to-do lists and appointments.

My biggest problem, I think, is that I get too many different projects and thoughts going at one time. I also get a lot of "interruptions" from loved ones, near and far...which when I think about it, is only a blessing! So I love The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People because he explains the difference between being efficient and being effective, the latter having more to do with people rather than just tasks.

Anyway, thanks for the comments!!! It's always great to hear what you have to say.

Simple Faith and Life said...

Wow, Esther, I'm impressed that you can make mental notes of what to accomplish and stick to it. The way my mind works, it doesn't get written, it probably doesn't get done. I keep a spiral notebook and use half a sheet per day for my to-do lists and appointments.

My biggest problem, I think, is that I get too many different projects and thoughts going at one time. I also get a lot of "interruptions" from loved ones, near and far...which when I think about it, is only a blessing! So I love The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People because he explains the difference between being efficient and being effective, the latter having more to do with people rather than just tasks.

Anyway, thanks for the comments!!! It's always great to hear what you have to say.

EC Gefroh said...

MM, I made a list on paper too when there are more than a few things that I have to do. It really helps. Funny, but I found Seven Habits of Highly Effective Teens by Stephen Covey's son. I am trying to get Joey to read it.