Sunday, September 15, 2013

Little Saint Therese Book

I've moved the Little Saint Therese book to Amazon for your convenience. 

Although the move forced me to raise the price, yet that seems to be offset by the fact that shipping is cheaper...or free, if you have Amazon prime, and also shipping is now much faster and traceable. 

Also, now you can find the book, by going to Amazon and putting the title into a search (or putting my name into a search, whichever you wish). 

You can read a review by Patrice Fagnant-MacArthur here

If you would like to read Cay Gibson's review, please remember that she wrote it last year before I moved the book to Amazon, so the price and publisher have changed. However, the content of the book has not changed since she wrote her review.  

Thank you again, Cay and Patrice! 

You can read a sample chapter here...or buy the book here


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