Probably there are many things I would do differently, but there are a few that stand out from the rest.
There was the time I told someone I was thinking about what to do with the rest of my life, but what she heard was, "I'm going to take you down". Of course, it was way more complicated than that. But I could have been more careful with my words, and I've always been sad it turned out that way.
There was the time I got caught up in a cult, and because I had to leave my mom, I got mad at her (go figure).
There have also been simple human mistakes I made that may have caused serious harm to loved ones.
I would be irresponsible or calloused if I said that if I had all those things to do over again, I would do exactly the same thing.
But that's not what I meant when I said that I have no regrets. Here's what I meant:
I no longer beat myself up.
I'm not only a sinful person but I'm also a fallible person. I guess that's why they call me a human. And I'm in good company.
King David saw a beautiful woman who caught his eye, so he sent her husband into battle to be killed. David repented, and he went on serving God.
Mary and Joseph, the best of parents, lost Jesus for three days on the way home from the temple when he was twelve. True, Jesus knew where he was and what he was doing. But, although Mary was sinless and Joseph is called "the just man", they were human, and they didn't know where he was.
Maybe what I meant when I said I have no regrets is that God made me human, and I don't regret being human.
But I no longer beat myself up.
Know that God loves you. Know that He loves your loved ones even more than you do. God loves us every minute of every day - until he will love us every moment of eternity.
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