Easter Blessing
We are each important to one another but most important is
our God.
He made us and we are the work of his Hand.
He does not make us and let us go. He does not love us and
let us go.
He made us and loves us…even to sending his Son…even to
watching his Son die in agony…for us.
His Son came, suffered, and rose from the dead; that we
might have life, and have it more abundantly…that we might know the greatness
of His love for us.
He loves us with a tender love which knows our trials, knows
what it is to be human.
He loves us with a nurturing love which knows what it is be
mothered by the best mother on earth.
He loves us passionately. He who knows what it is to love
passionately, both as God and as a human, caring for his family and friends
when he was on earth.
He loves us with a faithful love, an everlasting love,
preparing for us a place, a place of beauty and joy.
He is risen. Let us rejoice!