Saturday, December 19, 2020

Our Hard-working Postal Workers

Have you sent something in the mail, wondering where it even is now? I know I'm not the only one whose tracking updates are sketchy or non-existent. I've seen it both from friends on Facebook and from small business groups.
It's hard. It's a hard time. We are entering Christmas, and we like to give and receive gifts, and it's a way to feel connected to people who are geographically distant. And even more people are geographically distant this year. I sympathize and empathize, and I wish everyone could get a good hug, or take a walk, or whatever helps with that loss and frustration....every day. I have compassion for your frustration.
At the same time, I would hope that we have compassion for our hard-working mail carriers. If they are not getting our packages sorted or scanned or delivered on time, let's have compassion on them, too. They are risking themselves to Covid and back injuries and sore muscles, working longer and harder and wearing themselves down, to sort and deliver the mail, with an unprecedented volume of mail and with unprecedented shortages of employees. Can you imagine being short-handed and then trying to pick up the slack whenever someone goes out sick?...when you're already working longer and carrying heavy packages? And how demoralizing it must be when you know that no matter how hard you work, you're probably not going to get some of this delivered on time?
I'm sure the deliveries of the holidays can be overwhelming in the best of years. But this is definitely not the best of years.
Let's be there for our postal workers if we can. Let's thank them if we have a chance. Smile if we have the opportunity. We are even allowed to gift our mail carrier (up to $20 worth, not to exceed $50 in a year is what I have read on the internet). I'm not suggesting that, just sharing it for those who would like to know. Let's realize, too, that in the wee hours or whenever they get off work for the day or on their day off, they might get on Facebook or some other social media, too. And so, when we complain, let's complain because it's hard but not complain about the people who are out there trying so hard. Let's express our appreciation for their Herculean efforts.
Thank you to all our postal workers, and may you stay well through this very difficult time. God bless everyone who is working so hard in this season of our lives, health care workers, grocery store workers, delivery people, retail workers, hotel employees, day care workers, and so many more. Thank you!