I don't need any more books. I don’t need to get
more books simply so that the ones on the bottom shelves of my bookcase don't
ruin one another. You know that books get ruined if you don't have enough of
them on the shelf, right? Seriously, I need to decide whether to add another
crate of loose materials or to stack some of the books atop one another, rather
than side by side.
But I kept thinking of the old Value Tales books
that are tucked away, somewhere in our storage unit. Even though they are not
in very good condition, I keep them for the content. I needed to know where and
how to fit them into the bookcase space and, besides, I just wanted to get them into our home space and out of our storage space.
I don't recommend off-site storage units, but we
came to Baltimore from a five-bedroom house in rural Kentucky with an abundance
of storage space in the garage and attic, as well as lots of living space. In
addition to having a large house, both of us inherited plenty of "pack-rat" in our
upbringing. We eliminated a lot of things for our relocation but we were not able to whittle down enough to transition to an apartment, without renting a
little more real estate, ten miles from home.
So, my son and I went to “storage” yesterday. We
never found the Value Tales. But we found something in worse condition than those
books: the storage unit itself. We found boxes with water damage, some still
damp. Worse, we found what looks like some water damage on the cover for the
keys of the piano…the piano that belonged to my father-in-law when he was a
boy. The piano my husband has been missing so badly since we came to Baltimore.
My son and I tried to get in touch with management
to look at the damage, but they were not answering their calls and although the office was open, we could find
no one there. So we went home, and we will need to go back, along with
my husband, to assess the damage and to get management to fix the roof.
After we went home yesterday, I kept catching
myself using self-talk that was less than charitable. I was getting mad at
myself for stupid little things, stupid little nothings, and finally I realized
this was the “old me” popping up…that I have learned better than that. But where
was it coming from?
I think I was blaming myself for the possible
damage to my husband’s precious piano. If I had cleared out more at home, maybe
we could have made room for it. Or perhaps I should have found out sooner that
we could bring it here, even though we live on an upper floor (it was not allowed
at our first apartment in Baltimore, unless you lived on the first floor). Or maybe
if I had waited to have us move from one community to another, waited until we could
get a first floor apartment here, maybe we would have brought the piano home
from storage.
That was when I realized the folly of my runaway
thoughts! If we had gotten a first floor apartment here - at least in any of
the buildings on our street - we could have lost everything a couple of years
ago when the creek flooded. We helped a neighbor move out after that flood and it wasn't pretty.
Stuff just happens. Not everything that happens can
be prevented. Wow, it’s amazing that I am still fighting that philosophy that
was drilled into me when I was a child, “What could you have done to prevent
this?” or, “How could we keep something like this from happening again in the
It’s good to take care of our people and our
things, but there is a balance to life. We need to do our duties, and we need
to make decisions. But then, we need to let go.
We cannot control life. I don’t think we were ever programmed to control
every circumstance.
If we have actually done something intentional
that hurt someone, we need to seek forgiveness. But whenever we feel we may
have contributed to a problem, whether intentionally or unintentionally, we also need to
forgive ourselves. We need to “let
go and let God”. Let God bring good out
of evil. Let God love us.
As for the piano, it may be better off than I
first thought. But, whatever the case, life and its lessons play on.

Follow-up: We went back on Saturday and were delighted to learn that the piano plays as well as ever and only has minimal cosmetic damage. It was already old, with some cosmetic damage, so we are just happy that it is still good, musically. The owner of the storage facility repaired the ceiling, and the only other things damaged were some boxes, mostly empty...and the piano bench pad I made some years ago, which was in a box that got damaged. The piano books in that box were protected by the bench cushion.