Sarah at Snoring Scholar posted about her writing place. She said that Jen at Conversion Diary posted about her writing place and asked for links to others' pictures and comments on the topic. Long ago, I used to join in such things. Today I decided to join the fun.
Okay, in the last picture, just above the print, you can see where I spend a lot of my time, the computer in the middle with the denim shirt on the chair. On the right is my husband's laptop so he can work from home when he's not working at work. (He works very hard!) On the left is my youngest son's antique (as technology goes) video magnifier. Disability services (and mom and dad - I mean us) helped him get a newer one for college, which is in his bedroom, but we kept this one for the living room, in case he wants to join in a game or something. Yep, this is our living room, grand central. The t.v. area is way over on the left (you can't see it in the picture). So I can listen to t.v. while I write...or put on my headphones and listen to music so I shut out the sounds of the t.v.
The picture on the top shows where I do my first edits. I like to print something out, revise it on paper, then type it on the computer again. This is also where I open my myriad of mail - and pay bills that have to be paid by check (ugh). By the way, it's an eight person table...and we have four people eating dinner nowadays...so yes, everyone who currently lives here can eat in my "office"...I mean our dining room, and I don't even have to clear off the table...until the paper jungle grows back or unless we have company.
The picture on the left is the view from my dining room writing place. I always like it better when the trees turn green (I miss my Evergreen trees, which were prolific where I grew up). But I love that the window sill is wide and houses my cactus plant from a dear friend (the only plant I don't kill); a hand-painted candle holder from a church flea market; and live flowers when it strikes my fancy to pick some up at the grocery store.
What I like about this sharing project is that sometimes I think writers have a home office (and some do). And sometimes I think that would be cool. But I think I actually like being where all the action is. And I see that I'm not the only one whose office is not a dedicated office space.