For us, our news is significant, even though it's what we've done for the past many years. Some things only get better with time, like aged wine. All of your kids are here with us for Christmas, the three who live here with us, plus our daughter who lives in Atlanta, our son who is in the Air Force, and our son who lives in Kentucky. We also have an addition romping around this year: Paul's black lab/retriever guide dog, Chicago. Oh if you are wondering, you are right, guide dogs don't romp...that is, as long at they are in the harness. But when Chicago is free in the house, he is a normal happy puppy, joining in the excitement.
We attended a beautiful Latin Mass last night at the huge historic St. Alphonsus church in downtown Baltimore, where Ed sang in the particularly vibrant and joyous choir, and the lights shone all around.
Joe and Ed cooked the breakfast, Greg made the coffee, and after opening gifts, Mary and Joe stuffed the turkey. The dinner is underway and I've only done a little bit here and there (make toast, wash a few dishes). I am really enjoying this!
I hope that your Christmas is happy and brings you much joy, not only today but throughout the season.
Merry Christmas!