Everything is good with us; we're just very, very busy! We got our fifth child through high school, and all his paperwork in order to get into college in the fall. I've ordered books for the coming year for our sixth and last child (who is going into his sophomore year). We've made plans for our homeschool enrichment co-op for next year, where I am now on the three member council (since I didn't already have enough to do). We are looking forward to a great year, so if you happen to live in Baltimore, look us up.
We will be moving in mid-July, not cross-country, not even cross-city, only six or eight miles. However, it's just about as big an undertaking...maybe bigger since it's not a corporate move - so we have to pack our own stuff (oh, poor lil' things). I seem to have amnesia about the last move we made when we had to pack our own stuff. It would surely have been with babies in tow, so this one should be a piece of cake in comparison. But working around a job (even a part-time job) throws a different kind of angle into the equation.
Some of you may remember when I first moved to this city and basically knew no one. Since then we have made many friends. But this year we got to know a family so well that they have become dear family friends. We talk by email and phone, we get together on holidays, we camp together. In the midst of everything else that's going on right now, they are doing what we always knew (yet I always dreaded) that they would probably be doing soon: Moving again. Not moving like us, six or eight miles away, but closer to a thousand miles away. I am happy for them (through my own tears) and grateful. Even though they (and we) knew they probably wouldn't be here permanently, they were willing to open their hearts to us.
When I think of our kids living in various states, our relatives who are spread out in the West, our friends going back to Florida, I think maybe an RV would be the way for us to retire some day. Great thing to be thinking about in the midst of a gas crisis, isn't it? But hey, there's nothing like having dreams. And there's nothing like dreaming of being able to be with all our people, even in this life.
Please keep us in your prayers as we make our little move, and our friends as they make their big one, and all our kids as they move through their transitions in life. Those I will save for another post, so that I won't let so much time go between posting. You all are in my prayers and thoughts.